uControl Core

uControl .WAR deployment

uControl runs under the Apache Tomcat directory. To Install download the latest uControl.war file from the TekWurx Download Site.

  1. Download the latest GA release uControl War file from the TekWurx Download site
  2. unZip this .war file in the <uControl_homeDir>/<Apache TomcatDir>/webapps/uControl directory
  3. Create the /apps/uControl/log directory and make writeable by the uControl user


There are some configuration tasks that must be completed after installing the uControl WAR file.

  1. Create the log directory for the uControl web application to write to. Ensure that the uControl user account has permissions to write to this directory

    mkdir -p /apps/uControl/log
  2. Update the configurationParamneter.xml file with the database username and password (As perviously setup)

    vi <uControl_homeDir>/<Apache TomcatDir>/webapps/uControl/config/configurationParameters.xml

    Change the following lines to match your details:

    // Set your Database name
    <bean id="dbDatabase" class="java.lang.String" scope="singleton">
            <constructor-arg value="TekWurx7"/>
    // Set your database username
    <bean id="dbUser" class="java.lang.String" scope="singleton">
            <constructor-arg value="tekwurx"/>
    // Set your database user password
    <bean id="dbPassword" class="java.lang.String" scope="singleton">