
Upgrade from 7.1

If you are upgrading from a TekWurx uControl version 7.1 appliance follow the documentation here.

Upgrade from 7.1.1

If you are upgrading from a TekWurx uControl version 7.1.1 appliance follow the documentation here.


Ensure the following steps are completed by the dedicated uControl user account

  1. Stop the uControl application processes

  2. Remove the previous uControl deployment 

    rm -rf <uControl_homeDir>/tomcat8/webapps/uControl
  3. Recreate the uControl deployment directory 

    mkdir <uControl_homeDir>/tomcat8/webapps/uControl
  4. Unzip the new uControl application package 

    cd <uControl_homeDir>/tomcat8/webapps/uControl 
    unzip <path_to_uControl_war_file>

Post Upgrade steps

Post upgrade - Start uControl

Start the uControl processes 
